For the second post, we’re gonna talk about questioning your sexuality. It is normal for teens and adults to question their sexual orientation. It’s also normal for teens to have sexual feelings for the same and opposite gender partners. These feelings could indicate someone’s sexual orientation, but they may not.

Some people believe that sexual orientation is just about sex. As a result some people wonder if it is possible to know if they are gay if they haven’t had sex with the same gender. What people don’t realize is that MANY people realize they are heterosexual without having sex with the opposite gender. We often forget that sexual orientation has to do with more than sex. It has to do with who you could fall in love with.

If you remember sex education, you remember that just about everyone has a sex dream. Does having a sex dream about someone of the same gender mean you are gay? Of course not! For some it may mean that your subconscious is trying to tell you that you are gay. For others it could represent many things. One website says that same sex dreams could mean “you are feeling close to someone of the same sex, or have an issue with a person that needs to be resolved.” Many of us have dreams that we don’t understand. If you think that your dreams may be trying to tell you something, then see how you feel exploring same sex feelings when you are awake.

Some people use the term “Gaycurious” or “Bicurious.” This is means that they are “curious” about relationships with the other sex. Some of these people with usually try and date the same sex to see if they really are GLBT.

If you are questioning your sexuality you can ask yourself these questions:

· Who do you usually have crushes on? Is it mainly someone of the same gender?
· Do you imagine relationships with someone of the same gender?
· If you dated or had a sexual experience with someone of the opposite gender, how did it make you feel?
· If you dated or had a sexual experience with someone of the same gender, how did it make you feel?

If you think you might be bisexual, you can ask yourself these questions:

· Do you feel strongly attracted to people of both genders?
· Do you think you could have a sexual or romantic relationship with either males or females?

Don’t worry if you can’t answer these questions right away. It may take some time for you to discover your sexuality. If you do find yourself questioning, then try and find a GLBT person of the same age to talk to. They can help you understand what made them realize they were GLBT and maybe help you to discover if you are or aren’t.

Come back next week for Coming out or staying in: could the closet not be just for shoes anymore?